Main activities and results
The project is structured in six work packages.
WP1: Need analysis of DIGITRANS stakeholders
- Development of review and comparative analysis of existing curricula and study programs
- Arrangement of analysis and acquisition of EU partners experience and its necessary contribution to DIGITRANS learning ecosystem
- Providing studies and elaboration of Report on curricula, needed to the labour market of UA and MD
- Development of a competence framework needed for the labour market of UA and MD
WP2: Development of a practical and students-oriented curricula and innovative teaching, learning methods
- Development of innovative curriculum: new and modernised study programs and corresponding to competence framework
- Preparation of learning and teaching materials
- Elaboration of text e-books for students and teachers
- Development of digital tools and methods
- Accreditation of study programs and courses
- Preparation of agreements with employers on secondment for student practises in the companies
WP3: Development of Sharing Remote Experiment Environment (SREE)
- Development of the technical aspects of the SREE and integration with existing Learning Management Systems: Moodle, etc.
- Development of laboratory practices with remote experiments
- Development of methodical documents for users
WP4: Acquisition and piloting Digital Learning Ecosystem of DIGITRANS
- Students enrolment at new programs, courses
- Students training on new course materials
- Teaching staff training on innovative aspects of Digital Learning Ecosystem of DIGITRANS, e.g. e-library, digital tools and methods, etc.
- Feedback acquisition from stakeholders: students, teaching staff, etc.
- Development recommendations on new curricula and methods, etc (report)
- Students short time secondment (student’s practices)
- Seminars with employers (presentations of academic and industrial partners)
WP5: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation beyond DIGITRANS
- Information sessions and Final conference and social media
- Recommendations for new training beyond the project
- Strengthening the academia – industry network
- Signing of double-sided agreements with the stakeholders of the project
WP6: Management, Coordination and Quality Assurance
- Administrative and financial management, financial audit
- Purchasing, installation and lay off of equipment
- Creation of the Quality Assurance system
- Following up the project progress, providing corrective actions if necessary